Airedale Terrier

Otto Fizz



Impossible to resist.  Delicious down to the bottom.  Gotta get every drop.  That’s how I feel about my Fage.  Apparently Bogart Handsome Devil also loved it, so he already had mum trained to buy it, and now I’m here to enjoy it. But how exactly […]

Puppy Toes

Puppy Toes

From the way that mum swoons over my paws when I dangle them like this, I guess that puppy toes are a thing for humans.  Mine have been described as large, slightly fuzzy in between the toes, and manly.  Well, well, well.  I suppose they […]

Where You Goin?

Where You Goin?

Do you reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllly have to go to work, mum?  WHY NOT STAY AND CUDDLE. Love, Otto Fizz

How To Get Your Way

How To Get Your Way

This time, that time, oh every damn time.  Want something?  Just give your human (or any human) THIS FACE. Love, Otto Fizz

A Boy and His Balls

A Boy and His Balls

I suppose the photo is self explanatory. Love, Otto Fizz

You Didn’t Need That Pillow

You Didn’t Need That Pillow

I am here to prevent you from owning too much stuff.  You’re welcome. Love, Otto Fizz

Oh, Did You Want These?

Oh, Did You Want These?

Sorry, I thought that because you left them on a high shelf just slightly outside of my normal jumping range, under a pile of other things that I’m not allowed to touch, and pushed all the way back meant that you didn’t want them and […]

Exploring the Homewood Trail

Exploring the Homewood Trail

This Frick Park is AMAZING!  There are so many entrances leading to so many trails which are super-awesome because I’m not super thrilled at walking on city streets just yet.  Mum keeps saying that I’ll get used to it, that all of the sights, sounds, […]

Spray Cheese on the Wall

Spray Cheese on the Wall

I kid you not. Today I had to go to the vet for a follow-up round of shots in my butt.  I didn’t mind ’em so much the first time around because I didn’t know what was coming, but this time I had a funny […]

The Wonky Ear

The Wonky Ear

It adds character.  I know, I know, I don’t exactly need MORE character than I already have, but it adds a rakishly devilish quality, don’t you think? Love, Otto Fizz

