Mum was in the kitchen washing dishes. When she finished, she didn’t immediately see me. And it was quiet. Sometimes this means I’m up to mischief, but not this time. I was sleeping on her pillows. Surprise, mum! Love, Otto Fizz
Also known as the OTTOmobile. Because of course it is. It belongs to me, and helps me to be mobile. OTTO-mobile. Very satisfying to say out loud. Love, Otto Fizz
Whenever mum spends too much time in front of the glowy box that she says she’s “working” on, I sit behind her. Like this. I’ll start out being patient, looking around and seeing what else interesting is happening in the apartment at the moment. Hoping […]
I don’t understand why you humans have such a tough time relaxing. Why you have to work at it, plan for it, and why it stresses you out so. JUST DO THIS. OK, maybe this is how I relax, and you get to rub your […]
I’m not allowed to eat a ton of junk food, per mum. She likes for my treats to be healthy – I just want ’em to taste good. Occasionally, her pocketbook is a little light and we have to go for the cheaper stuff, which […]