Airedale Terrier

Otto Fizz

The Local Herd

The Local Herd

HOLY CRAPAMOLE. Mum and I went for our normal evening walkie on Schenley Oval, and what is that in the distance?  Is it a bunch of dogs?  Is it a group of toddlers playing soccer?  NO – it’s 10 deer! I have seen deer around […]

Golden Boy

Golden Boy

Ain’t I purdy?  The black-and-tan goes golden.  Our fine Airedale fuzz does look awfully nice when kissed by the sun on a park excursion. Love, Otto Fizz

Not Guilty

Not Guilty

WOULD THIS FACE LIE? I don’t know how that yarn got here.  I mean, someone may have fished it out of the trash, but it wasn’t me.  Ask the cats.  Cats love yarn.  They’re famous for it.  And we have 4 of them here.  So […]

Lunch Time!

Lunch Time!

Packing a lunch every day makes sense.  And cents.  Each morning I watch as mum makes herself a lunch in her purple kitty lunch bag.  I admire her in saving some money (that she can then spend on dog treats).  She has her priorities straight. […]

Spinning Yarns

Spinning Yarns

Who me?  Little, ol’ me?  Would I have stolen your yarn, mum?  I seem to remember you saying something about not liking this particular yarn.  It is a tough grouping of colors – pinks, white, and tan – in a ho-hum acrylic.  So actually I […]



Pretty darned cold here in Pittsburgh.  Mum thought it might be time to pull out some of Bogart’s old cold-weather gear to see if it fit me. Well, sort of.  Apparently I am not nearly as cooperative at putting on the sweatshirt.  And my harness-putting-on-skills […]

On Point

On Point

I thought that we were heading to the park. We were heading in that direction, mum and I both bundled in the car driving through the snow this morning.  But once we got close, she drove off in a different direction.  I haven’t been this […]

Rub a Dub Dub, AIREDALE TERRIER in the Tub

Rub a Dub Dub, AIREDALE TERRIER in the Tub

What a discovery! DID YOU KNOW that there is a place in the house where water comes out in a glorious spout?  That’s slippery, and enclosed, and fun to roll around in?  And it has a thing called a shower that’s oh-so-fun to try to […]

Mmmm… FAGE

Mmmm… FAGE

Oh what is this heavenly treat that comes in a giant tub… that is scooped out into spoonfuls of happiness that make my taste buds just tingle?  That which I do not wish to share with the cats who also inhabit my home, despite their […]

So This Happened

So This Happened

Well, well, well.  Mum thought that by hiding that oh-so-delicious yarn in a bag all the way at the very top of a precarious pile of random stuff that I couldn’t find it.  Because yarn is the BOMB.  You can do so many things with […]

