Airedale Terrier




Mum and I were watching the Monks of New Skete obedience DVD.  It was kind of hilarious how she thought that I was sitting up at attention because I wanted to learn to be more obedient.  Of course I was just interested in all of […]

The Benefits of Walking

The Benefits of Walking

Walking with people other than mum, that is. Mum is pretty much my whole world.  We’ve become quite an impressive team – me doing whatever the hell I want, and she figuring out how to make us ever-so-slightly socially acceptable.  We walk every day, twice […]

Petsmart Training

Petsmart Training

Despite my protestations, each weekend we spend one morning at a pet store.  Sounds good, you say.  I understand.  But I’m not like other dogs.  While the world is slowly growing on me, I’m still scared of a lot of things.  And one of the […]

My First Sit

My First Sit

OK, so it’s obviously not the first time that I’ve ever sat down.  That would be silly.  But this is, captured for all the world to see, the first time that I have sat down on command.  With all of the distractions around in my […]

A Major Milestone

A Major Milestone

Today was a big day.  Mum wasn’t sure how it was gonna go.  We went for the evening walkie with a human friend in tow – and we’ve never done that before.  I’m still getting used to the idea that there are humans other than […]

When Otto Met Dylan

When Otto Met Dylan

Ah, today I met the sweetest girlie in the park.  I was just minding my own business, being startled by chipmunks and trying to chase joggers, when I saw her.  Fur the same colors as mine, and a tail that could clear a table.  We […]

Puppy School Dropout

Puppy School Dropout

Well I never said I was SMART… Perhaps I am more of a SMARTASS.  Whatever you want to call it, mum packed us off to puppy training class and I was admittedly kind of (OK, completely) terrified.  The room was huge, the sound reverberated all […]

Always So Tense

Always So Tense

All of this recovery stuff is making me tired.  Just lazy tired, not tired from the healing.  I’ve been out for walkies, but mum has been hesitant to take me on my full ones while we wait for the final report from the doctor on […]

Who’s Teaching Who?

Who’s Teaching Who?

Oh don’t we ALL know the answer to that? Love, Otto Fizz



Whew!  That was a workout of a few weeks. Allow me to explain.  When I arrived here in Pittsburgh in the beginning of January, I was a baby.  Well, a 7-month-old baby, but go with me here.  I wasn’t sure at all about the big, […]

