I think that mum doesn’t understand exactly how tall I really am. And how long my paw-arms really are. And how much time I have on my hands while she is off at that work-thing every day. And how utterly devoted I am to the […]
Anyone coming to my door will officially be greeted by my muppet face. Of course I will bark as well, and you may see me even jumping a bit. I am still working on my big boy bark, don’t let my cute-as-a-button face fool you. […]
Despite my adorable sleeping positions, I am always alert. If a cat’s foot falls, I will hear it. If mum turns in her chair or stretches so much as a finger, I will hear it. If there is extensive rustling of the trees outside of […]
Mum keeps trying to brush my puppy pelt. She says that it’s getting a little crunchy and funky. To which I say, hell yes it is crunchy and funky, I have worked hard to make it this way. And your objection? Apparently she’s been getting […]
OH HELL YES. Remember that I brought this outside with me a few days ago? There was a REASON. This is almost as much fun as eating all of the contents. It’s hard to control myself with all of this cardboard-y goodness. I AM […]
Being prepared for anything has it’s benefits. I, for example, show you the benefit of bringing the box of weewee pads with you. You will always have a safe place to wee, and then you can chew the box into little pieces and throw it […]
You didn’t stand a chance. Against my mighty teeth you were powerless, and as you sat on that high shelf, mostly hidden from my view, you tempted me. Day after day after day. I would see your purple handle flapping, and the way your buttons […]
Oh, mum. In this, a delicate moment, you feel the need to whip out the camera? I understand that my every movement is exciting and new to you, but really? IN KANGAROO POSITION? And THIS? IS NOTHING SACRED? Well that’s better. Back to my fuzzy […]
These bags were broken before I got here. Maybe the cats got to them. You know how cats are. They just love a good plastic baggie that could hold a pocketful of dog treats. Love, Otto Fizz