Airedale Terrier

Month: May 2017

The Forest AND The Trees

The Forest AND The Trees

Isn’t it beautiful?  I will admit that I was scared of the park when I first got here.  On my very first day, after retrieving me from the airport, mum tried to take me here for a walkie and I was completely, overwhelmingly not ready.  […]

What Is That Yellow Thing in the Sky?

What Is That Yellow Thing in the Sky?

I haven’t seen any sun for awhile now.  Something about April showers flooding through May and swamping all of the flowers.  Something like that. On this morning’s walkie we perused the park and I must say, that it is awfully pretty.  So green and lush.  […]

Where Are We Going?

Where Are We Going?

… I asked, calmly, before being stuffed into the Otto-mobile way before my normally-allotted time. Oh don’t worry, mum said, it’s just a quick trip and nothing to bother your fuzzy head about. THAT, my friends, is exactly the moment you should begin to worry. […]

Always So Tense

Always So Tense

All of this recovery stuff is making me tired.  Just lazy tired, not tired from the healing.  I’ve been out for walkies, but mum has been hesitant to take me on my full ones while we wait for the final report from the doctor on […]

Raining AGAIN?

Raining AGAIN?

Enough of the showers that bring on the flowers.  I wanna go for a long walkie.  What do you mean, mum, that we can’t do the long ones in the park until my incision has healed? BALDERDASH Oh wait, you have biscuits?  Perhaps I shall […]

