Airedale Terrier

Otto Fizz

The Airedale Sleeping Position

The Airedale Sleeping Position

For the uninitiated, we Airedales are a quirky bunch.  There are many things that make us stand out in a crowd, and we do have some special terrier traits that we cannot resist doing. Take for example, the Airedale Sleeping Position.  It generally looks something […]

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Yes, yes, I know, I actually counter-surfed this bottle of water from the kitchen mainly because it’s fun to chomp and watch the water gush out from where my impressive canines pierced it after throwing it up in the air… but a boy has NEEDS.  […]

A Boy and His (Lady)Bug

A Boy and His (Lady)Bug

Doing my part to keep the garden free of pests.  Like ladybugs do.  Only I prowl the perimeter then do my patented jump-up-then-run-away-then-peek-around-the-corner move.  Unlike ladybugs. So this ladybug stuffie will have to suffice. Love, Otto Fizz

How Many Rips Does it Take to Get to the Inside of a Volleyball?

How Many Rips Does it Take to Get to the Inside of a Volleyball?

Admit it.  You’ve ALWAYS wanted to know what is inside a volleyball.  Yet you’ve never had the chance to indulge your curiosity and actually find out.  Rip the thing to shreds.  Well now you know. THE MORE YOU KNOW Love, Otto Fizz

Who’s Teaching Who?

Who’s Teaching Who?

Oh don’t we ALL know the answer to that? Love, Otto Fizz



Whew!  That was a workout of a few weeks. Allow me to explain.  When I arrived here in Pittsburgh in the beginning of January, I was a baby.  Well, a 7-month-old baby, but go with me here.  I wasn’t sure at all about the big, […]

Stuffie Evisceration

Stuffie Evisceration

I take this VERY seriously.  It is something that I do daily, and with precision.  Those stuffies aren’t going to eviscerate themselves, you know.  Someone has to do it, and do it just right, so that the stuffing comes out at just the right speed, […]

Kid Koala

Kid Koala

I don’t know mum, exactly WHO DID bite the head off of Kid Koala?  Looking around, I’d bet my biscuits on one of the cats.  That’s totally something they would do. Luckily I got him away from their ferocious feline fingers and brought him here.  […]

Opening Drawers

Opening Drawers

Yes, this is a thing I can do.  Mum came home and was quite surprised as the drawers are all metal and rather heavy and unwieldly to open.  But that didn’t stop me, didn’t even slow me down.   That’s where she keeps the treats, that’s […]

My, My What Big Teeth You Have

My, My What Big Teeth You Have

The Puppy Pearlies, as mum calls them.  See how my mouth is almost as big as her head?  You are not seeing things.  This is not an optical illusion. The bigger to destroy stuff with, my dear. Love, Otto Fizz

