Airedale Terrier

Tag: funny

King of the Jungle

King of the Jungle

That tiger-toy didn’t stand a chance. Love, Otto Fizz

Drivin’ in MY Car

Drivin’ in MY Car

Also known as the OTTOmobile.  Because of course it is.  It belongs to me, and helps me to be mobile.  OTTO-mobile.  Very satisfying to say out loud. Love, Otto Fizz

Turn Around, Mum!

Turn Around, Mum!

Whenever mum spends too much time in front of the glowy box that she says she’s “working” on, I sit behind her.  Like this.  I’ll start out being patient, looking around and seeing what else interesting is happening in the apartment at the moment.  Hoping […]

Sunday Morning Relaxation Techniques

Sunday Morning Relaxation Techniques

I don’t understand why you humans have such a tough time relaxing.  Why you have to work at it, plan for it, and why it stresses you out so. JUST DO THIS. OK, maybe this is how I relax, and you get to rub your […]

Just a Boy and His Watering Can

Just a Boy and His Watering Can

Well, the remains of my watering can.  MMM.  PLASTIC. Love, Otto Fizz

My Don’t Go To Work, Mum FACE

My Don’t Go To Work, Mum FACE

It works EVERY TIME in that mum feels guilty about leaving for work.  I’ve been told (repeatedly) that until I can get a job as a spokesmodel and bring in the big bucks, she must go to work everyday.  So even my strongest “Don’t Go” […]

Daddy Long Legs

Daddy Long Legs

I’m a tall boy, what can I say?  And there’s nothing more relaxing than sleeping in one of the traditional Airedale sleeping positions.  Which may not look comfortable to you.  But I can assure you that I sleep (and dream, and plot, and plan) just fine […]

Who Me?

Who Me?

Why no, I wasn’t crawling under the bed to play with (i.e., harass) my little furry buddy Boris the cat.  Why do you ask? Love, Otto Fizz

The Great Teddy Bear Hunter

The Great Teddy Bear Hunter

In my natural habitat.  That would be my yard. The wild teddy is no match for my keen eye, sharp wit, and bounding pounce. Love, Otto Fizz

