Snowy Self Help
And they said it would only snow a little.
This snow thing is AMAZING. It lets me slip and slide all over the yard as I run at top speed. AND YOU CAN EAT IT TOO!
Got me completely worn out. Completely. My fuzz was all scruffed up, and my dogs were barking from all of the running. That photo was the absolute clearest that mum could get watching me do endless zoomies in this incredible white stuff.
Time for a little self-love. Mum thought it best to go for the top, and so she and I read RuPaul together. Colorful, glamorous, and stylish. Yes, this is what I hope to become. Excellent snow night reading material (and looked quite tasty too, even though mum wouldn’t let me munch on the book itself).
Otto Fizz
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