Out, Out, Damn Syringe

Yeah. I’m not a fan.
This is my face after having medicine shot down my throat via syringe. I am not amused.
My current medicine schedule is a bit complex, so mum has been showing up at what seems like random times throughout the day and night to take care of my needs. Most of it I don’t mind at all, as it appears as balls of squeeze cheese, which I adore. I can’t even see or smell the pills so that’s not terribly problematic for me.
But the syringe. Full of what was oh-so-pleasantly described as a “slurry”. Not to be confused with a Slurpee, which looks delicious. The ‘ol slurry isn’t exactly tasty, and the administration of it isn’t exactly fun. I have tried hiding in the closet, behind mum’s clothes, and running from room to room but damn if she doesn’t always find a way to corner me. I can’t wait for this bit to be over.
The healing has begun and continues in earnest. I wear my Suitical dutifully, happily eat my “bland” diet of homemade chicken and vegetables (or as it’s known around here, “dinner”), take my short walkies, poop like a champ, and continue to give mum the workout that’s she’s missing by running throughout the apartment avoiding the syringe. All is good so far.
Otto Fizz
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