Australia, Ahoy!

This stuffie has HISTORY. It belonged to my predecessor, Bogart Handsome Devil. It was given to him personally by Greg and Brooke Lee, of the sadly-missed Dogs With Blogs. This was an amazing online group of, well, Dogs with Blogs, and was where my mama met some of the funnest, craziest dog folks on the internet. Other humans with opposable thumbs and opinionated dogs who didn’t mind being photographed on a regular basis. I’m learning all about this now as she pulls out her phone to capture what she’s been calling “golden moments” and which I have so far begrudgingly posed for (but mostly I just keep on doing whatever I was doing, resulting in many, many blurry moments before the actual golden ones).
Anyway, Greg and Brooke came all the way from Australia to meet Bogart and mama when they lived in Portland, Oregon. A very boozy and super fun time was had by all, which culminated in them laying on the sidewalk, laughing until their sides hurt, and giving Bogart this cool Aussie stuffie. And now it has been passed down to me (that is, I found it in Bogart’s bin of many toys).
I shall treasure it always. Or I might destroy it. Who can tell.
Otto Fizz
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