He Shoots, He Scores

Have I mentioned that it’s damn cold in Pittsburgh at the moment? And particularly so in the early morning when mama wakes up? After a thorough face-licking and a good jump on the bed, she is finally learning that she has to forego regular clothing and throw on a coat over her flannel jammies so we can run out to my yard. Whew, when you open that outside door it’s darned cold out there.
This morning, though, she managed to do it. While I was waiting I did do a piddle (hey, I’m still working on things in this arena), so she looked unsure as to whether I would “go” outside. So out we went, and I did my now-somewhat-normal perimeter run and bunny hop around my yard, and then I suddenly felt the urge. The urge to purge – pee, that is. And so I squatted down and peed. Well, you would have thought that she had just seen the most amazing thing in the world the way she was screamin’ and fussin’. As she had been taught at the puppy party, within the 3-second rule the high-value treats were out and in my mouth. That works for me.
And then, also as instructed, we did some running around the yard and a little playtime. And lo and behold, the urge once again struck, and this time I pooped in the yard. I cannot describe the look on her face at that moment. Shock, love, excitement, disbelief, happiness? Something like that. And then she once again swooped in with the cookies (good mama) and the love.
I think she’s hoping I will get used to this. Slowly, mama, slowly. I mean, I did still pee when we got inside. Still some issues to work out. But, I guess, it’s progress.
Otto Fizz
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