Airedale Terrier

Month: January 2017

Oh Marcus, My Captain

Oh Marcus, My Captain

This is Marcus. He is a very wise, learned Pug. Today our paths crossed while walking on the trail, and I will forever be changed. You see, I still don’t completely understand the concept of weeing and pooing outdoors. Occasionally I’m doing it for mum […]

Homage to Bogart Handsome Devil

Homage to Bogart Handsome Devil

I hear that Bogart Handsome Devil was a helluva Dale. He was mum’s previous Airedale Terrier, who sadly passed away in December.  I never got to know him personally, but I kind of feel like I do.  He’s all around me – literally.  I smell him […]

Baby’s First Wee

Baby’s First Wee

Well, well, well.  I think that mum fooled me.  By taking me on a super-long walkie today in Frick Park (the full Riverview Trail), she tricked my bladder into opening whilst in the park.  Up until now I haven’t done so, and I avoid “going” […]

The Great Area Rug Collector

The Great Area Rug Collector

So I’ve been here for two weeks now.  I see no reason why I cannot put m personal stamp on our decor, you know, add a few things, shred a few things, destroy a few things.  Rearrange when necessary. The area rugs vex me.  I […]

I Smell Bambi

I Smell Bambi

Special Night-Aire-O-Vision captured me seeing – and smelling – something for the first time.  Something so… musky, so earthy, so potentially delicious.  The wind gently carried the scent to my waiting nose, and set my senses on fire.  I could feel my fuzz standing straight […]

Australia, Ahoy!

Australia, Ahoy!

This stuffie has HISTORY.  It belonged to my predecessor, Bogart Handsome Devil.  It was given to him personally by Greg and Brooke Lee, of the sadly-missed Dogs With Blogs.  This was an amazing online group of, well, Dogs with Blogs, and was where my mama […]

Terrier Tude

Terrier Tude

I am a terrier.  An Airedale Terrier.  King of Terriers.  So I retain the right to occasionally always have my way. If I want to sit on the sofa, I do so.  If I want to bring my toys onto the sofa, I do so.  […]

He Shoots, He Scores

He Shoots, He Scores

Have I mentioned that it’s damn cold in Pittsburgh at the moment?  And particularly so in the early morning when mama wakes up?  After a thorough face-licking and a good jump on the bed, she is finally learning that she has to forego regular clothing […]

Holy Shit

Holy Shit

One week.  Seven days.  The trials and tribulations of housebreaking.  Yeah, I’m not completely getting it – exactly why do I have to run outside in the snow to poo?  When I have a nice, toasty, area rug inside?  And sometimes, a lovely weewee pad […]

Potty Training Class

Potty Training Class

So mama keeps going on about this thing she calls “housebreaking”.  Apparently, because I occasionally (OK, mostly) choose to take care of my personal business in the nice, warm apartment, I need to be “trained”.  And this isn’t a simple thing to do with a […]

